Our love of hyper-efficiency boosts the chemistry of our net zero biofuel from the industry norms of 70%, right up to our daily yield of over 93%.
We created the world’s first closed loop fully traceable used cooking oil collection system which couples an app-based audit trail with our custom designed 100% recyclable oil container, and includes a cloud-based data portal. This enables us to provide complete end-to-end traceability.
We share this data with our partners via our web portal and use it to improve efficiency and optimise our supplier’s operating costs.
After extensive resilience trials and materials testing, we designed and constructed our award-winning Reusable Oil Container (ROC) from fully recyclable materials. Highly durable, lightweight and manoeuvrable yet able to withstand high temperatures, our ROCs are the cleanest and safest method for used cooking oil collection and transportation. They are emblematic of how seamlessly we fit into the logistics operations of our suppliers or customers.
Central to our biofuel production is a steady supply of feedstock which, in our case, is used vegetable cooking oil. As our customer base has grown and we’ve increased our biofuel production, so we’ve extended our feedstock supply. Every month we buy many thousands of litres of waste oil from many different suppliers, ranging from restaurants, bars and hotels, to cloud kitchens, catering facilities, food trucks and stadia.
The one thing all our oil suppliers have in common is that they love our reusable oil containers (ROCs). They tell us that moving a cumbersome, greasy 200 litre oil drum is an onerous and risky business, whereas our portable, lightweight ROCs are easy to simply wheel in and out of their premises. They also like the fact that because of the way they’re filled and emptied, our ROCs are easy to keep clean.
The same tech DNA which led us to create a unique way to track our net zero biofuel is what pushed us to create iFuel, the app-based fuel optimisation solution that tracks every drop of fuel used by our customers and where it was used.
iFuel aims to help our customers use less fuel. Yes, you read that right: one of our goals is to help our customers use less fuel. Of course, this should preferably be our net zero biofuel.
Neutral Fuels has become the first biofuel company to successfully attain certification under the UAE’s new
Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology
(ESMA) biodiesel quality standard.Our fuels are also certified for the European Standard EN 14 214 and the American Standard ASTM D6751, and our B5 meets the European EN 590 standard.